
1. 鲨鱼会透过感应心跳来追踪猎物!   他们鼻子上有电流侦测机制可以侦测到猎物的心跳心电脉搏!   2. 鲨鱼杀人比例男女有别啊!   尽管在海中游泳的男女生比例几近相同,近9成的鲨鱼攻击案例中,受害者都是男性! 廣告1   3. 但也不需太害怕啦,被鲨鱼追杀的可能性老实

July 10, 2015

1. 鲨鱼会透过感应心跳来追踪猎物!

Sharks track their prey with their heartbeats. They can pick up on electrical pulses associated with a heartbeat  via electricity-sensing nodules on their nose.


2. 鲨鱼杀人比例男女有别啊!

Despite the fact that an almost equal amount of men and women swim in the ocean, men account for nearly 90 percent of shark attack victims.


3. 但也不需太害怕啦,被鲨鱼追杀的可能性老实说也很低!

It is more likely that you are bitten by another person than a shark. You're even less likely to die from an attack. On average, there are 40 shark attacks reported each year, with only 5-10 of them being fatal.


4. 双髻鲨其实头部很软!

Hammerhead sharks are born with soft heads so they won’t jam their mothers’ birth canals.


5. 原来我们都小看鲨鱼的厉害了!

Sharks inhabited the earth 200 million years before the dinosaurs appeared and have changed only minimally during that time.


6. 这不就是《侏罗纪世界》的现实版?!

An ancient shark called Carcharodon Megalodon (“rough tooth, big tooth”) had teeth measuring more than six inches long (the largest shark teeth ever found), jaws big enough to swallow an entire car, and a body the same length as tyrannosaurus rex. Some believe this shark may still exist in the very deepest of waters.
一种叫做Carcharodon Megalodon (学名意思是「粗糙的牙、巨大的牙」) 的古代鲨鱼有比6吋长的牙齿 (目前找到最大的鲨鱼牙齿) ,嘴巴大到可以把整台车吞下去,而身长跟暴龙一样呢!有些人甚至怀疑在海底深处还是找得到这个物种!


7. 鲨鱼外形设计其实跟飞机很像!

Much like airplanes move through the air, sharks glide through the water. A shark’s tail forces water to flow over its fins much like a propeller creates airflow over the wings of a plane. Their infamous dorsal fins are used for added stability.


8. 记录上最长的鲸鲨竟比4层楼高度加总还要长!

The largest known whale shark was longer than a four-story house. It was just over 40 feet long and weighed over 47,000 pounds.
他的长度超过40呎 (约12公尺) 一点点,重量则超过47,000磅 (约21,318.8公斤) !


9. 鲨鱼好柔软喔!

Sharks do not have a single bone in their bodies. Their skeletons are made entirely of cartilage.


10. 欧氏尖吻鲛(Goblin Shark) 真的很神秘!

Goblin shark dens are so deep, that humans can't explore them.


11. 鲨鱼并不是孤独的猎人! 

Sharks have some of the largest fish brains. While we tend to think sharks are lone hunters and prowl by themselves, they are actually very social creatures, with established hierarchies.


12. 鲨鱼很常掉牙齿!

The average shark has 40-45 teeth and can have up to seven rows of replacement teeth. Because sharks lose a lot of teeth and grow them back quickly, they often go through more than 30,000 teeth in a lifetime.


13. 鲨鱼真的不喜欢吃人!

If you are unlucky enough to be bit by a shark, the shark will not likely come back for a second taste when she or he realizes that you are not, in fact, a marine mammal.


14. 鲨鱼不动的话,并不会溺水!

Contrary to popular belief, sharks don't drown if they stop moving. Using the muscles around their mouths, ancient sharks could pump water over their gills so that oxygen could be absorbed. Present-day sharks often breathe differently instead by using fast swimming motions to force water over their gills.


15. 鲨鱼不会蛀牙!

Sharks don't get cavities. There are several species who have teeth that are coated in fluoride, thus keeping their pearly whites strong.


16. 鲨鱼其实很虚弱!

Sharks are vulnerable creatures. Between 20-30% of shark species are believed to be close to extinction, in large part due to being hooked on accident by commercial fisheries.</p><br /><br /><br /><br /> <p>Source

来源:BusinessInsider | TheChive


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分類:世界, 动物
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