
这真的是人类史上一大罕见的奇蹟,一位名叫亚当 (Adam Rainer) 的男子在他的一生中经历了”侏儒”和”巨人”这两个天差地远的身高差距。 亚当在1899年出生于奥地利的格拉茨 (Graz),是个健康、正常的小男孩,但尽管他的父母身高都很正常,在一次大

January 27, 2015

这真的是人类史上一大罕见的奇蹟,一位名叫亚当 (Adam Rainer) 的男子在他的一生中经历了”侏儒”和”巨人”这两个天差地远的身高差距。

亚当在1899年出生于奥地利的格拉茨 (Graz),是个健康、正常的小男孩,但尽管他的父母身高都很正常,在一次大战爆发时 (1914年),亚当却只有约137公分高 (4呎6吋),他因为过于矮小瘦弱而无法被征召至军队中。

Rainer was  born in Graz, Austria, in 1899. He was a normal, healthy child by all accounts. Despite being born to parents of normal height, by the time that World War I broke out, Rainer stood at just 4 feet, 6 inches. Recruiters told him he was too short and weak to join the army.
Damn Interesting


但情况在亚当21岁之后便截然不同,当时147公分 (4呎10吋) 在接下来的10年,身高逐渐暴增到215公分 (7呎1吋),而也因为超高的身高而让他脊椎开始严重侧弯。

Everything changed for Rainer by the age of 21. Over the next 10 years, Rainer (who was 4'10'' at the time) would grow to an astonishing 7'1" by the time he turned 31. It was also during this time when Rainer began to develop severe curvature of the spine.
The Chirurgeons Apprentice



Rainer's growth spurt took the medical community by surprise. Doctors examined Rainer  to try to determine the source of his wild growth. The conclusion they reached was that a tumor on Rainer's pituitary gland was leading to an overproduction of growth hormones. Here you can see Rainer's height compared to a normal-sized man.
Damn Interesting



In an attempt to cure him of his uncontrollable growth, physicians operated on Rainer's pituitary gland to remove the tumor. They were only partially successful. He was still growing, but now at a much slower pace.
The Chirurgeons Apprentice



Rainer continued to grow for the remainder of his life, but was plagued by numerous health problems. Eventually, the curvature of his spine become so bad that he was confined to his bed. Rainer also became blind in his right eye, and suffered hearing loss in his left ear.
The Chirurgeons Apprentice


亚当于51岁时逝世,当时身高是238公分 (7呎10吋),他是人类史上唯一一位在人生中历经侏儒和巨人的男子。

Rainer passed away at the age of 51 and at a height of  7'10". He is the only person in human history who has been able to call himself a dwarf and a giant in the same lifetime.
The Tallest Man

来源:The Chirurgeon’s Apprentice


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