
26歲曼徹斯特女子奈利 (Cherelle Neille) 是一名單親母親,有過不少情場失意的經歷。現在當店員和演員的她,表示讓自己的愛情生活總是一團糟的原因,就是她的樣子!   她相信,自己一直沒有交到男友的原因,就是因為她太好看太正了! 廣告1   她表示男生只是想拿她來跟

May 14, 2017

26歲曼徹斯特女子奈利 (Cherelle Neille) 是一名單親母親,有過不少情場失意的經歷。現在當店員和演員的她,表示讓自己的愛情生活總是一團糟的原因,就是她的樣子!

Too beautiful to find love? Cherelle Neille, 26, from Manchester, claims her beautiful face is a curse - because potential boyfriends only see her as arm candy



Mixed blessing: The shop assistant says her dating life has been a disaster because of her looks and finds that men only want to parade her to their friends and take photos with her



Stunning Cherelle has given up on love



Cherelle says she is sick of men objectifying her and simply wishes they would like her for her character rather than her appearance



Cherelle receives abusive messages online an struggles on dates but insists: 'My looks attract the wrong guys and it has been really hard, now I am completely over men'



More than just a pretty face: 'Whenever I am on a date, they only care about what I look like, they never even listen to what I am saying,' says single mum Cherelle



Cherelle says she has been having trouble with her dating life for years. With failed relationships and disastrous dates, she wishes her looks stop attracting the wrong attention



Explaining her theory on her disastrous dating history, Cherelle says: 'Girls that are more average-looking get to have those conversations with men and I have to be stuck with men not listening to a word I say'



Cherelle also struggles to make female friends, adding: 'If I see a pretty girl I will definitely tell them every time what I love about them, it's nice to be nice. I just don't associate myself with many girls as friends anymore'



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