17個「被精神疾病折磨的巨星」內心想告訴大家的一番話。#7 巨石強森簡單一句話會拯救你!

1. 阿曼達·塞佛瑞。   「我還是非常容易緊張,我覺得是因為,我常常過分解讀了現實。我擔心我的父母或我的狗,我看到自己把狗從窗戶丟下去的畫面。」   2. 珍妮佛·勞倫斯。   「我媽媽告訴我,在我童年的時候,我身上有光,一個不斷激勵我的光。但當我開始上學的時候,

May 14, 2017

1. 阿曼達·塞佛瑞。

2080709 21 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


2. 珍妮佛·勞倫斯。

2080709 22 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


3. 李奧納多·狄卡皮歐。

2080709 2 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


4. 愛黛兒。

2080709 24 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


5. 布蘭登·馬歇爾 (Brandon Marshall)。

2080709 26 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


6. 卡拉·迪樂芬妮 (Cara Delevingne)。

cara delevingne september 2014 cropped Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


7. 巨石強森。

dwayne the rock johnson 2009 tribeca portrait Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


8. 達珂塔·強生 (Dakota Johnson)。

2080709 23 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


9. 喬·漢姆 (Jon Hamm)。

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10. 艾瑪·史東。

2080709 27 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


11. 柯林·法洛 (Colin Farrell)。

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12. 莎拉·席佛曼 (Sarah Silverman)。

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13. 大衛·貝克漢。

2080709 25 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


14. 泰勒絲 (Taylor Swift)。

2080709 28 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


15. 韋恩·布雷迪 (Wayne Brady)。

2080709 29 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


16. 溫特沃思·米勒 (Wentworth Miller)。

wentworth miller by gage skidmore Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)


17. 薇諾娜·瑞德 (Winona Ryder)。

2080709 210 Celebs open up about bouts with anxiety, and there are lessons to be learned (17 Photos)



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加入粉絲團! 17個「被精神疾病折磨的巨星」內心想告訴大家的一番話。#7 巨石強森簡單一句話會拯救你!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友