
1. 这个人的DVD收藏排出了完美的彩虹啊~ imgur.com   2. 这应该是本年度最让人心满意足的乐队了。 imgur.com 廣告1   3. 蛇,你太优秀了。 imgur.com   4. 这应该是史上最优秀的板书吧? imgur.com 廣告2   5. 超简洁的公司联络资讯,推特、网站、信箱三合一。 imgur.c

December 14, 2014

1. 这个人的DVD收藏排出了完美的彩虹啊~

When this person's DVD collection was organised into a magical rainbow. 🌈


2. 这应该是本年度最让人心满意足的乐队了。

The 34 Most Satisfying Things That Happened In 2014


3. 蛇,你太优秀了。

This snake's path of least resistance. 🐍


4. 这应该是史上最优秀的板书吧?

The most perfect handwriting you've ever seen. ✒️


5. 超简洁的公司联络资讯,推特、网站、信箱三合一。

This company's brilliantly simple advert. 🚛


6. 1302这家人的清洁能力实在太优异了!(清洁就是纾压啊~)

The time the people at 1302 power-washed their stoop and we needed to sit down for a moment to appreciate the beauty. 🚿


7. 椅子,你真是太棒了!

When you couldn't stop staring at this bench. ⛄️


8. 看这薯饼就像消俄罗斯方块一样快乐啊…

This tray. 🍟


9. 这些衣架…啊嘶…

When these hangers became the eighth wonder of the world. ❤️💙💚


10. 请不要移动这些箱子,让它们保持这么完美,直到天荒地老吧!

When these boxes found their true home. 🚚


11. 早餐吃这个,我一天都心花怒放了。

The time breakfast made you feel a bit funny. 🍳


12. 就是有某种机会,刚好会写出超完美的「i」。(就像电脑字型啊~)

  When someone managed to write the perfect letter "i". ℹ️


13. 我这辈子还没看过这么干净、都没沾到的优格封膜。

This yoghurt lid that you thought was just an impossible dream. 😍


14. 这个座位应该也是Apple出的,是一套的吧?

This phone that was snug as a bug in a rug. 📱


15. 这台车子的影子完全切齐了道路。(天啊~)

And when this car's shadow perfectly lined up with the curb. 🚙


16. 要是我们国中的时候,玩这种拍照都这么完美就好了…

The time we all wished we'd though of this first. 👟


17. 都还没用过的花生酱,这感觉真是太好了!(用汤匙戳下去的刹那更好…)

This untouched jar of peanut butter. 😵


18. 所谓的「一汤匙」就应该是这么完美。

Not to mention this majestic spoonful that was clearly created by divine intervention. 👼


19. 就是有这么完美的圆。

The perfect circle. ⭕️


20. 这个完美指数应该破世界纪录了吧?

When someone managed to do this for the first time in human history. 😘


21. 这颗苹果已经不是苹果了,它是个艺术品。

When this apple looked more like an apple than any apple has ever looked. 🍎


22. 完全没断掉的削苹果神技。

And when this one was perfectly peeled. 🍏


23. 水…刚刚好…

The way this water did its thing. 💦


24. 一打开家门,堆积的雪已经被门印出另一扇门了。

This perfect impression of a door in the snow. ❄️🚪


25. 这家店生意会好绝对不是没有原因的!

When the person who worked in this grocery store made all our dreams come true. 🍅🍏🍊


26. 这些电线太优秀了!

These wires. 🔌


27. 这些水管已经成为艺术品了!

These pipes. 😱


28. 加油刚好加到20块钱跟5加仑。

When this person went to the pump and everything came up Milhouse. ⛽️


29. 要刚好开到这么完美的里程数也不容易啊!

When this happened. 🚗


30. 吸尘器跟这墙角已经让我的身心灵完全放松了。

The time someone did the housework and the universe aligned. 🙏


31. 这毛巾完美到我要报警了(等等,干嘛啊?)

31. 这毛巾完美到我要报警了(等等,干嘛啊?)


32. 到底要怎么做才能有这么无懈可击的包装啊?

The time the wrapping paper became the highlight of someone's birthday celebrations. 🎂


33. 衣服店的员工实在太优秀了!

When this shop worker deserved ALL OF THE MONEY. 💸


34. 这个土司跟起司就应该永远在一起,过著幸福快乐的日子。

And when the tale of the love between this bread and this cheese became the greatest story ever told. 💘🍞





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