7岁男童花4年捡瓶子「大赚30万」 当上「环保老板」梦想买垃圾车!

来自美国加州的7岁莱恩(Ryan Hickman),是个在当地小有名气的环保小尖兵,他从3岁开始回收宝特瓶,4年过去,不只维持环境整洁,更因此赚到一万美金(约31万新台币)! 廣告1   这一切都要从当年,他与爸爸去资源回收中心说起。当时,爸爸带着他蒐集家里、朋友以及邻居家的

January 12, 2017

来自美国加州的7岁莱恩(Ryan Hickman),是个在当地小有名气的环保小尖兵,他从3岁开始回收宝特瓶,4年过去,不只维持环境整洁,更因此赚到一万美金(约31万新台币)!

As every graduate knows, the scariest part of college isn’t the studying or having to grow up, it’s the obscene amount of money that gets ripped away from our bank accounts… a lot of times for many (MANY) years after you graduate. This kid decided he’s going to get a leg up long before he enters his first dorm room.   Meet 7-year-old California native Ryan Hickman. He’s making us halfway-responsible recyclers look really bad because he’s been doing it since was three. And not only is the world a better place because of him, he’s also got $10,000 in his college savings to show for it.



It all started when he visited a recycling center with his dad. He liked the idea and collected all of the trash from his house, as well as the houses of his neighbors and friends. This marked the beginning of his business, “Ryan’s Recycling.”  After four years of dedication and persistence, little Ryan has padded his savings account quite nicely. He says the $10,000 is for college, but his website warns that he might just end up buying a garbage truck.
《大纪元》报导,在加州,瓶装饮料的售价含有「押瓶费」,又称「加州赎回价值」(California Redemption Value),民众只要至特定回收站回收瓶罐,就能换取现金(小瓶子5分钱、大瓶子10分钱),或者获得超市卖场折抵消费金额的收据。



Ryan says a big reason he wanted to start recycling was to help animals who might eat the non-perishables “and die.” Aside from the saved $10k, he’s also donated over $1,000 to charity. PLUS, he’s a Youth Ambassador for the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, sells t-shirts for $13 and gives all of the proceeds directly to the center. Somebody give this go-getter an award.



His mother talked about his passion for his charitable work and recycling efforts in an interview with The Capistrano Dispatch:   "He’s very passionate about it, and he likes to get everybody else passionate about it as well. I think he’s rubbed off on all of us now. You find yourself walking past a can on the ground and needing to pick it up instead of walking away and leaving it there.”  Uhh, Ryan, are you giving any seminars any time soon? I think everyone could take a page from your book.

来源:The Chive


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