
1. 在台湾,711跟在日本一样,几乎是每个转角都有,而且各种商品也愈来愈多,简直是去一趟小七就能买齐生活用品,但在日本的小七可是比台湾小七更加无奇不有!   2. 所以就让我们来看看日本的小七到底有些什么吧! 廣告1   3. 首先,跟台湾一样有各式各样的冰品,但不仅

December 31, 2016

1. 在台湾,711跟在日本一样,几乎是每个转角都有,而且各种商品也愈来愈多,简直是去一趟小七就能买齐生活用品,但在日本的小七可是比台湾小七更加无奇不有!

If you've ever been to Japan then you know that there's basically a 7-Eleven on every corner. We're not talking about your basic-ass American 7-Eleven (no offense). It's Japanese, so it's automatically cool as hell.


2. 所以就让我们来看看日本的小七到底有些什么吧!

On the outside, a Japanese 7-Eleven looks like every other 7-Eleven you've ever been to — but step inside and it's so much more.


3. 首先,跟台湾一样有各式各样的冰品,但不仅种类超丰富,而且理所当然的是,也有很多台湾没有的神奇冰品~

Let's start with the ice cream. Just look at this selection!


4. 像是这款「喝的」冰淇淋!

My personal favorite is this one called "Coolish." It's basically a juice box...but with ice cream. Very cool...ish.


5. 小小的牛肉干。

Look how tiny and cute this little piece of beef jerky is! It's literally the size of a pinky*.


6. 半熟蛋!台湾也有石安牧场的。

They also sell individual hard-boiled eggs. And no, these aren't your sketchy hard-boiled eggs you buy at gas stations. That yolk! That beautiful, perfect yolk. I want to swim in its gooey goodness*.


7. 另外也有非常多样的酒。

You can buy liquor there.


8. 像这样的啤酒倒还不稀奇。

They have beers in a variety of sizes, including teeny and tiny...


9. 还有这种罐装的清酒。



10. 甚至还有铝箔包的清酒!


11. 软性饮料的种类也完全不输台湾。


12. 小编最喜欢的是这个…各式各样的Pocky!台湾没有的口味!

They sell a shit ton of Pocky, of the skinny and fat variety...


13. 是…是瓶子更加可爱的味之素!

...the cutest salt shakers you ever did see...


14. 711自有品牌出的沙拉酱!

...salad dressings that could pass for dildos...


15. 可果美番茄酱。

...ketchup in a tube...


16. 还有超多零食!也是711自有品牌出的。

...and snacks you could only dream existed.


17. 神秘的酪梨起司脆片零食。

Avocado chips, people!


18. 配酒用的袋装起司,超方便~

Cheese in a bag, people!


19. 而且起司不只一种!

And this...


20. 作为泡面大国,日本711有让人琳瑯满目的泡面也让人完全不意外。

The Cup Noodle selection will make the average gamer/college student shake.


21. 等等…这是超市吗?!竟然还卖超多生鲜蔬果的!

They sell full-on shrooms.


22. 还有日本的美乃滋,可以加在炸鸡上,咸的那种。

And look at this mayonnaise. Even the mayonnaise is cute.


23. 也有各种熟食,口味跟台湾的不太一样,还标榜可以摄取很多蔬菜!

The prepared food section is a whole other adventure.


24. 还有炙烧鲑鱼!

...packaged meats...


25. 而且还有不是微波的热食喔!是炸鸡块!

...and, obv, chicken nuggets.


26. 日本小七也有卖很多常备药,像箭头指的那款就是治宿醉的,所以…想喝酒可以去小七!喝挂了还是可以去小七!

The secret best part of Japanese 7-Eleven is the refrigerator full of little bottles of remedies. There are multiple ones just for hangovers. The one with the arrow pointing to it saved my life.


27. 接着来到日用品区,其实有些跟台湾有在卖的差不多,只是款式或品牌不同。首先是衬衫跟领带~



28. 刮胡刀!

They sell these cool little beard groomers...


29. 面膜!当然也有各类洗洁用品。

...a selection of face masks that beauty addicts swear by...



...flashy handkerchiefs...


30. 还有随身型的烟灰缸!

...pocket ashtrays...


31. 小七牌洗发精。

...big ol' bags of shampoo...


32. 还有行事历,而且还是无嘴猫的!

...Hello Kitty diaries...


33. 可爱的盒装卫生纸。

...adorable boxes of tissues...


34. 最后,日本支持率No.1的保险套品牌是班尼顿的…

...and United States of Benetton condoms.



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