
1. 烤箱最底下的抽屉其实有特别的功用。   「这个保暖抽屉可以让热腾腾的食物保持在最适宜进食的温度。但室温或已经放凉的食物并不适用喔。」   2. 汽车仪表板上的油箱显示有一个箭头,告诉你它向哪边。 廣告1   3. 你可以靠弹蔓越莓来知道它到底熟了没。   4. ELF口红

December 27, 2016

1. 烤箱最底下的抽屉其实有特别的功用。

The bottom drawer of your oven actually serves a purpose.


2. 汽车仪表板上的油箱显示有一个箭头,告诉你它向哪边。

The little gas tank on your car's dashboard has an arrow that tells you what side it's on.


3. 你可以靠弹蔓越莓来知道它到底熟了没。

You can tell if a cranberry is ripe by bouncing it.


4. ELF口红的底下有润唇膏。

Elf brand makeup has a hidden compartment.


5. 右边才是正确的戴耳机方法。

This is actually the proper way to wear ear buds.


6. 「SWIMS」( 游泳 )倒过来看也是一样的。

The word "swims" looks exactly the same upside-down.


7. 购物车的设计其实可以让你挂上很多东西。

Your shopping cart may hold more bags than you think.


8. 「图中有12个黑点在交叉点,但你的脑袋不会让你同时看到全部。」

You will never be able to see twelve dots at once with this pattern.


9. 字母歌的原曲其实是《一闪一闪小星星》。

The alphabet does indeed have a familiar tune.


10. 不想弄破指甲的话,可以用起钉器解开钥匙。

You can forgo breaking your nails by using a staple remover to unhook your keys.


11. RUB-A535 特效关节肌肉止痛霜可以清洁白板上的笔迹。

Rub A535 can clean even the toughest whiteboard.


12. 「星巴克有87000款加购/加料选项。」

There are more Starbucks drinks than meets the eye.


13. 如果你用「T」取代「Where」( 哪里 )、「What」( 什么 )、「When」(何时 )中的「W」,你回答了这些问题。(会变成There”那里”,That”那个”,Then”然后”。)

And finally, this bit of knowledge:

来源 : Buzzfeed


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