
查比高恩斯球隊因為墜機事故,導致原本搭機前往哥倫比亞進行總決賽的球隊成員中,僅3人倖存。如今死者們的遺體被聚集在哥倫比亞的San Vicente殯儀館,棺木跟現場讓親友悼念的白色椅子景象蒼涼,令人心碎。   這些罹難者的遺體將會進行保存,再送回他們的家鄉沙佩科。 廣

December 2, 2016

查比高恩斯球隊因為墜機事故,導致原本搭機前往哥倫比亞進行總決賽的球隊成員中,僅3人倖存。如今死者們的遺體被聚集在哥倫比亞的San Vicente殯儀館,棺木跟現場讓親友悼念的白色椅子景象蒼涼,令人心碎。

United for one last time, these are the coffins containing the remains of Brazilian footballers killed in the devastating Colombia air crash



The bodies of Chapecoense players killed when the plane smashed into a mountain have been identified and are being embalmed and prepared for transport by military aircraft back to their homeland


Heartbreaking pictures show the coffins laid out in the Colombian city's San Vicente Mortuary with chairs dressed in white left out for grieving friends and relatives


The caskets are due to arrive in the club's home city of Chapeco as soon as midday on Friday and be taken directly to the club's stadium for a collective wake that Brazilian President Michel Temer is expected to attend


The coffins of some of the Brazilian Chapecoense football team players killed in a plane crash in the Colombian mountains, are seen at the San Vicente Mortuary in Medellin


The tributes took place as crash investigators aided by dramatic cockpit recordings were studying why the British-built jet apparently ran out of fuel before slamming into a muddy mountainside just a few miles from Medellin's international airport



The players pose for a photograph before taking off on the doomed flight to Colombia



Heartbreaking pictures show the moment footballers broke down in tears as they gathered with family and fans to remember teammates wiped out in a devastating plane crash in Colombia



Grieving Chapecoense players huddled together in front of tens of thousands of supporters at the team's stadium in Chapeco, southern Brazil on the night the club was supposed to be competing in the Copa Sudamericana final



The stands were a solid wall of green representing the team colours, but the pitch was empty in a poignant reminder that players were due to be lining up for the club's biggest ever fixture against Atletico Nacional



Instead of a shot at glory, the team, many of the chief staff, and 20 Brazilian journalists were killed when their charter plane slammed into a mountainside short of the airport late Monday


在查比高恩斯主球場的會場,幾乎沒有人的眼眶是乾的。一名受訪的21歲學生Daniel Augusto Barrera說:「我覺得這超越了足球界,這變成了人都能感到共鳴的事件。所以我決定來這裡,為了那些懷著夢想離開沙佩科,並且永遠不會被遺忘的人。」

Instead of sitting excitedly in front of televisions to watch the action in Colombia, the people of Chapeco, a provincial city of about 200,000, trooped into their stadium to mourn and join in ecumenical prayer



Players who had not been on the doomed flight, youth academy members, relatives of those killed and throngs upon throngs of ordinary fans joined together, all in the team colours


There were few dry eyes as a film was projected to pay homage to the dead teammates. Among those attending were devastated relatives of players


The team had an outsized presence here and its inspiring story of unknowns who rose to take on champions had spread across Brazil


Huddled together: Relatives pay tribute to Chapecoense's players at the Arena Conda stadium in Chapeco, Brazil



With illuminated cell phones aloft, they packed the stadium to its capacity of 20,000 - a tenth of the city's population - and cheered as their youth players and reserves from the first team did laps around the field


另一方面,在麥德林的Atanasio Girardot體育館,哥倫比亞的球迷們也向查比高恩斯球隊致敬。

 While tributes were held in Brazil, Colombians also turned out in force at Atanasio Girardot Stadium in Medellin to pay their respects


巴西外交部長若澤·塞拉 (Jose Serra) 也在哥倫比亞的一場哀悼活動中感謝當地人民。對查比高恩斯的哀悼跟敬意已經徹底跨越了國界。

Brazil's Foreign Minister Jose Serra (left) thanks the people of Colombia during an event commemorating the victims of a plane crash in Medellin



Show of support: Tens of thousands of Atletico Nacional supporters turned out to pay tribute to the team their club was supposed to be facing


Club leaders said they hope to organise a mass wake at the stadium to give the players a true Chapecoense sendoff. Pictured above were the tributes held in Medellin


21歲的老師Aline Fonseca說:「沙佩科不是個很大的城市,我們走在路上都能在各處遇到球員,我們很難繼續走下去。」

As the probe into the devastating crash continued, mourning soccer fans in Medellin and the southern Brazilian town of Chapeco, where the team is from, held simultaneous stadium tributes to the victims. Atletico Nacional fans are pictured holding candles as part of a tribute


73歲的Nelio Dalbosco則說:「這次集合的人數應該要有兩倍多才對。我們必須努力試圖重建球隊,讓球隊跟原來一樣好。人生不會停止。」

Poignant: Fans pay tribute to the players of Brazilian team Chapecoense Real at the club's Arena Conda stadium in Chapeco


50歲的Valemar Jardine說:「我還是難以相信。我想要等到遺體被送回來,我們才能真正接受這事實。我們都非常悲痛。」

Thousands gathered at Atanasio Girardot Stadium in Medellin to observe a minute of silence in memory of plane crash victims


第一具遺體預計將在這週末送回沙佩科。球隊的官方代表Gelson Della Costa表示,等球員們的遺體抵達故鄉後,他們希望能徵求家屬同意,並在體育館舉行一場盛大的追思會。雖然所有遺體何時會送達還不知道,但他們已經預演過屆時要如何將棺材運進球場。

Fans of Atletico Nacional soccer club hold candles as they pay tribute to the players of Brazilian club Chapecoense killed in the recent airplane crash


Fans filled their stadium in a remote corner of southern Brazil, holding a second night of vigil for their team whose stunning rise from the fourth division in Brazil to the continent's top tier had captured the country's imagination


Tributes: The plane crashed down as it was flying from Bolivia to Colombia ahead of the Copa Sudamericana final



Team members who did not travel on the plane huddle together in the middle of their home ground as they remember their fellow players


球隊的副總經理Ivan Tozzo則以顫抖的聲音說:「在早上走進會議室,看到屬於我們同伴的那些空座椅,意識到我也應該在旅客名單中,但最後沒有去,這真是非常艱難的一件事。」

Mourning: Chapecoense soccer players who did not travel with the team on a flight to Colombia that crashed, broke down in tears during a tribute to the crash victims



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