
儘管被許多人討厭,小賈斯汀 (Justin Bieber) 無疑仍是世界上最名利雙收的歌手之一。而近日他更是搬到一間位於倫敦北部、歷史悠久且裝潢華美的豪宅!月租就要英鎊£108,000 (台幣418萬)!這位22歲的成功歌手預計近幾個月會頻繁往返洛杉磯的住宅與這棟新豪宅之間。   消息

October 21, 2016

儘管被許多人討厭,小賈斯汀 (Justin Bieber) 無疑仍是世界上最名利雙收的歌手之一。而近日他更是搬到一間位於倫敦北部、歷史悠久且裝潢華美的豪宅!月租就要英鎊£108,000 (台幣418萬)!這位22歲的成功歌手預計近幾個月會頻繁往返洛杉磯的住宅與這棟新豪宅之間。

Justin Bieber is renting this 15-bedroom mansion in North London, pictured, for £108,000 per month or around £1.3million per year



The musician, pictured in London last week, is said to have 'fallen in love with the area'


不動產經紀公司瑞普萊坊的Aree Rand說:「這是首都最豪華的住宅之一,有宛如藝術的設施,包括室內與室外泳池、SPA、網球場、家庭劇院跟酒架。這樣的地段對富豪和名人來說一直很有吸引力,這也是倫敦少數有提供廣大、獨立花園的住宅。這棟房子也提供絕對的隱私。」

Built in 1910, the property comes with an indoor swimming pool, pictured


小賈斯汀租的豪宅建於1910年,在2006年時因為年久衰敗而被一名大亨以英鎊$5百萬 (台幣1.9億) 的價格買下,之後他花了上百萬英鎊將這棟豪宅整修成現在的模樣。

The bathroom, pictured, in the 24,000 sq ft house is made from 12 types of Italian marble 


豪宅有佔地24000平方英尺,有15間臥室,還有一間用12種義大利大理石建成的浴室。它在2012年以英鎊£1億 (台幣38億) 的價格投入房市,但最後以英鎊£2500萬 (台幣9.6億) 的價格被賣出。

The home was a 'wreck' in 2006 but was renovated by a property tycoon and now comes with its own cinema, pictured



 GV of the London mansion which is reportedley being rented by Justin Bieber


This breathtaking mansion built for a sugar magnate has become the most expensive house for sale in Britain at £100million - and even the estate agents' brochure costs £2,000


GV of the London mansion which is reportedley being rented by Justin Bieber


而小賈斯汀購入新屋的消息也立刻在網上傳開,許多粉絲都聚集在這棟紅磚豪宅外,想要親眼一睹偶像的風采。不過唯一表示見到他的人是在附近工作的建築師Francis Fermin,他說他看到小賈斯汀時他正獨自一人散步,小賈斯汀對他比了個「讚」後說:「不要拍照。」

The huge dining room, pictured, is one of the features that appealed to the superstar



Settling in: The singer was seen enjoying a morning brew outside the property on Tuesday



His morning routine: Justin is currently in the middle of his Purpose World Tour, and will be heading out to Europe following a slew of dates around the UK and Ireland this month


分享給喜歡他 (或討厭他?) 的朋友看看吧!

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分類:星聞, 藝術, 世界
加入粉絲團! 小賈斯汀搬進北倫敦月租418萬古蹟豪宅,「希臘神殿超美室內泳池」太值得了!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友