
生命的奇蹟!对22岁妈妈雪莉 (Sheree Psaila) 而言,怀胎是件几乎不可能的事,因为她的生理缺陷让她无法像常人一样抱起、安抚自己的孩子。根据英国《每日邮报》报导,她天生就有一种罕见的基因缺陷:手臂和腿都没有肌肉 。她表示:「他 (孩子) 哭闹时我无法马上到他身旁

September 29, 2016

生命的奇蹟!对22岁妈妈雪莉 (Sheree Psaila) 而言,怀胎是件几乎不可能的事,因为她的生理缺陷让她无法像常人一样抱起、安抚自己的孩子。根据英国《每日邮报》报导,她天生就有一种罕见的基因缺陷:手臂和腿都没有肌肉 。她表示:「他 (孩子) 哭闹时我无法马上到他身旁并将他抱起来,我必须等别人为我抱起他」。不过即便养育孩子对她来说难上加难,光是她成功生下孩子就已经是奇蹟一桩,一起来看看她的故事吧!

Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency


 雪莉一生下来就患有「先天性多发性关节挛缩症」(Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita),导致手脚无法正常长出肌肉,医生当时警告雪莉的父母,她恐怕无法活超过1岁。

Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency



Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency


 雪莉就读澳洲技职学校期间,遇见了同样有生理缺陷的克里斯 (Chris),他因为遗传疾病导致脊椎下部比常人脆弱,两人在2015年5月完婚后,最大的希望就是建立一个可爱的家庭。

Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency



Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency



Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency


 幸亏男婴海登 (Hayden) 一生下来就有2.5公斤,身体状况十分健康,没有任何残疾或遗传疾病。

Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency



Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency



Pic from Caters News - A young woman who was told by doctors that she wouldnt live past her first birthday is now a miracle mum. Sheree Psaila cant hold her own baby boy without assistance and is physically unable to bathe him or change his nappy on her own. She was born with a rare congenital condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), meaning that she has virtually no muscle tissue in her arms or legs and is barely able to bend her joints. Sheree has had approximately 22 surgeries to help alleviate the symptoms of her AMC, including muscle transfers and tendon releases, but her condition remains largely unchanged. SEE CATERS COPY
Caters News Agency

来源:Little Things


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加入粉絲團! 医生都说「四肢是海绵」罕病妈妈无法生子,现在「不可能」的全家福照证明她巨大的母爱连老天都动容了!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友