
1.唐恩 (Dawn Siff) 是用VINE (一個能錄下6秒內短片的網站) 來呈現履歷的第一人。   2.布蘭登 (Brandon Kleinman) 知道,現在公司都會偷看求職者的Facebook,所以創了這個臉書相簿。 廣告1   3.為了成為動畫製作人,艾倫 (Aaron Tsai) 做了一份互動式的履歷。   4.只要

August 24, 2015

1.唐恩 (Dawn Siff) 是用VINE (一個能錄下6秒內短片的網站) 來呈現履歷的第一人。

Dawn Siff made the world's first vine resume.


2.布蘭登 (Brandon Kleinman) 知道,現在公司都會偷看求職者的Facebook,所以創了這個臉書相簿

Brandon Kleinman created this Facebook album because he knew companies would stalk his profile.


3.為了成為動畫製作人,艾倫 (Aaron Tsai) 做了一份互動式的履歷。

Aaron Tsai created an interactive resume to land a job as an animator. Check it out here.


4.只要掃瞄QR code,就能看見維克多 (Victor Petit) 的超酷的影片履歷

A QR code on Victor Petit's resume will take you to this creative video of him.


5.艾倫 (Aaron Sachs) 把自己的履歷弄成Google+風格。

Aaron Sachs created a Google+ style resume.


6.麥可 (Mike Freeman) 做了一個網站,讓公司可以跟他預約面試時間。

Mike Freeman set up a website where potential employers can book a meeting with him.


7.艾利克 (Alec Brownstein) 付給Google廣告費,只要有廣告業者google他們自己的名字,就會出現他的履歷。

Alec Brownstein paid for Google AdWords to show his resume whenever advertising executives Googled their own names.


8.艾莉西亞 (Alicia Lee) 直接做了一整個網頁,來吸引Instagram的注意。

Alicia Lee created an entire website to get Instagram's attention.


9.蘿倫 (Loren Burton) 的這份履歷是為了Airbnb量身製作。

Loren Burton created this resume for Airbnb.


10.班恩 (Ben Wong) 利用簡報分享網站 (Slideshare) 做了這份精彩的履歷

Ben Wong used Slideshare to create a resume.


11.Likeable公司開始用即時通訊軟體 (Snapchats) 收申請人的履歷之後,布萊恩 (Brian Murphy) 傳了這張照片過去。

When the company Likeable started accepting Snapchats from applicants, Brian Murphy sent this photo.


12.看到這份以流程圖表示的創意履歷之後,蘋果公司立刻跟克雷格 (Craig Boute) 約了時間面試。

Craig Boute interviewed with Apple after they saw this resume.


13.艾德 (Ed Hamilton) 利用Google地圖來展示他會的技能。

Ed Hamilton used Google Maps to show off his skills.


14.艾瑞克 (Eric Gandhi) 把履歷做得像Google搜尋的結果,果然獲得公司青睞。

Eric Gandhi's Google search themed resume landed him an interview with the company.


15.在面試過後,佛洛伊德 (Floyd Hayes) 留下這個3D列印出的頭顱。

Floyd Hayes left these 3D printed heads after his interviews.


16.喬許 (Josh Butler) 在ebay上把自己賣出,還吸引到三個買家呢!

Josh Butler sold himself on eBay and even got 3 bids.


17.馬克 (Mark Johnson) 用Pinterest呈現他的履歷

Mark Johnson's resume is a pinboard on Pinterest.


18.菲利浦 (Philippe Dubost) 把履歷做得像亞馬遜的商品頁面。

Philippe Dubost's resume resembles a product page on Amazon.


19.羅比 (Robby Leonardi) 做了一份互動式的電玩履歷

Robby Leonardi created an interactive video game to serve as his resume.


20.妮娜 (Nina Mufleh) 把履歷設計成跟Airbnb網站一樣,來吸引他們的注意。

Nina Mufleh created a resume that resembled the design of Airbnb's website to get their attention.  Via Business Insider

來源:Business Insider


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