
一提到北極熊,腦海中浮現的應該是一片白茫茫雪地上,點綴著幾隻一樣雪白的北極熊們,或許還會出現他們在海裡游泳的畫面,但他們就只和白雪、大海匹配嗎?   不!在夏季時,這些毛茸茸的動物會遷徙到南邊。根據這些可愛的照片,他們偶爾也會進到搖曳的粉紫色花叢中玩耍

August 23, 2015


Canadian photographer Dennis Fast captured these inquisitive, yet playful polar bears in their natural habitat in Northern Canada



The bears were spotted frolicking in a field of pink fireweed, as well as occasionally chewing on the plants themselves (pictured)


加拿大攝影師丹尼斯 (Dennis Fast) 在靠近北加拿大曼尼托巴省的哈德森灣 (Hudson Bay) 附近拍攝到這組驚人美照。

Dennis has been snapping photos of the bears for about 20 years, even serving as chief photographer for an Arctic adventure company



The silly photographs were taken near Hudson Bay in northern Manitoba, Canada, near the Churchill Wild lodges


照片拍攝確切地點是在丘吉爾荒野 (Churchill Wild) 營運的小屋旁,丹尼斯是丘吉爾荒野聘僱的首席攝影師,該公司主要是在經營北極風光之旅。

A sleepy looking bear is easy to spot in a field of fuschia fireweed, a plant that is native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere


丹尼斯一直都很喜歡拍攝這些雄偉動物的照片,他也承認自己比較喜歡在溫暖的月份進行拍攝,因為不像冬天有著冷死人不償命的 -40 度超低溫。

Peek-a-boo! One majestic bear is spotted peeking his head - and paw - above the flowers as he lounges on his back



Dennis admits that while he enjoys photographing the bears in the winter, as well, the milder summer temperatures - and brightly contrasting colours - make for a truly special sight



Dennis explains that the bears are his favourite animal, largely due to their ambling gait, which makes them look as though they don't have a care in the world



While Churchill Wild offers amateur photographers the chance to get up close and personal on an Arctic safari, Dennis warns that the animals do need to get used to your presence



Once the bears are sure that the photographers won't harass them, they are free to show off their more private, playful side


但你也不必像專業攝影師一樣到動物的自然棲息地捕捉他們的美照,丘吉爾荒野在丘吉爾的沿海小鎮擁有一個點,該地擁有「世界北極熊之都」(Polar Bear Capital of the World) 的美譽,並擁有許多積極有經驗的攝影師為大家記錄下一張張的美麗熊姿。

'Besides being arguably the largest carnivore on earth, they are also one of the most adorable,' Dennis tells website My Modern Met 



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分類:藝術, 世界, 動物
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