
探险专家们将吴哥窟、大堡礁和马丘比丘评选为全球顶级三大必访景点,《孤独星球》(Lonely Planet) 也列出了终极旅游名单。先由中国长城、泰姬玛哈陵和美国大峡谷国家公园打头阵,随后还有一系列联合国教科文组织列出的世界遗产景点。专业的旅游团队和作家列出了一张「全

August 20, 2015

探险专家们将吴哥窟、大堡礁和马丘比丘评选为全球顶级三大必访景点,《孤独星球》(Lonely Planet) 也列出了终极旅游名单。先由中国长城、泰姬玛哈陵和美国大峡谷国家公园打头阵,随后还有一系列联合国教科文组织列出的世界遗产景点。专业的旅游团队和作家列出了一张「全世界最棒的 500 个观光地点」。




1993 年,联合国教科文组织发起恢复与保护吴哥窟以作为文化宝库的重大运动。


第二名:紧追在后的是澳洲大堡礁,它有 2300 公里广的生态系统,并拥有数以千计的多彩珊瑚礁与奇异的海洋生物。

Closely following behind was the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. The 2,300km-long ecosystem features thousands of colourful reefs and exotic marine life



For those travelling to Peru, you should not miss out on a trip to the Machu Picchu ruins, which came third in the list


名单上有 34 个地点来自英国和北爱尔兰,包含了湖区 (Lake District)、威尔斯西北部的史诺多尼亚国家公园 (Snowdonia) 和下图中的爱丁堡城堡 (Edinburgh Castle)。







The white marble Taj Mahal, a Unesco-protected site, was given the accolade of fourth place in the ultimate travel list


第六名:亚利桑那州的大峡谷拥有 445 公里长的辽阔岩石景色,风景如画。

Arizona’s Grand Canyon is a picturesque formation with sweeping vistas across 277 miles of rocks, and is well-deserving of its place in the top ten destinations



The impressive Colosseum in Italy is located in the heart of the Rome surrounded by a plethora of other buildings from the Roman era


第八名:巴西与阿根廷边界的伊瓜苏瀑布 (Iguazu Falls),是世界上最令人叹为观止的自然奇景之一。

The natural wonder of the Iguazu Falls in Brazil-Argentina is one of the most breathtaking spots in the world, taking eighth on the list


第九名:位于西班牙的阿兰布拉宫 (Alhambra),在夕阳西下时欣赏它的惊人美景吧!

Why not see Granada's Alhambra palace in Andalucia in Spain as the sun sets to experience it in its full glory? This came ninth


第十名:圣索菲亚大教堂 (Aya Sofya),在那里你能沉浸在丰富的历史、重要的宗教性与非凡美丽中。

Taking the tenth spot is Aya Sofya, which is steeped in rich history, religious importance and extraordinary beauty


第11名:另一个风华城市是摩洛哥的费斯,不要错过黄昏中的老麦地那 (Old Medina),这可是联合国教科文组织世界遗产的焦点。

Another magical city experience is that of Fès in Morocco. Do not miss the Old Medina of Fes illuminated at dusk, which is a focal point of the Unesco World Heritage Site







第13名:约旦佩特拉古城 (Petra),它由美丽的玫瑰色岩石雕刻而成,地处红海与死海之间,同时也是世界上著名的考古遗址。

Petra in Jordan, spectacularly carved into the rose-coloured rock, is situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea. It is one of the world's most famous archaeological sites and took 13th place in the list


第14名:瓜地马拉蒂卡尔 (Tikal) 拥有独特的马雅金字塔,它是古马雅文明的城市中心。

The unique Maya Pyramids in Tikal, Guatemala, is a located in an urban centre of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization


第15名:大英博物馆成立于 1753 年,被称做「欧洲最伟大的宝物」。

The British Museum, founded in 1753, featured in the top 20 behind Tikal in Guatemala and was named 'the greatest treasure house of Europe'


第16名:由西班牙名建筑师高第所设计的圣家宗座圣殿暨赎罪殿 (简称为圣家堂,Sagrada Familia),这是座未完成但却总是充满游客的惊人天主大教堂。

The large Catholic church of the Sagrada Familia in Spain and a stunning piece of architecture for visitors to see, despite being incomplete


第17名:纽西兰 14 个国家公园中最大的峡湾国家公园 (Fiordland National Park),占据了纽西兰南岛的西南部。

The exquisite Fiordland National Park is the largest of the 14 national parks in New Zealand occupying the southwest corner of the South Island. Pictured is the Routeburn Track


第 18名:希腊的圣托里尼岛 (Santorini),美丽的白墙蓝屋顶,就像画一样完美。

Whitewashed Santorini in Greece is picture-perfect and is unsurprisingly 18th on the list of the top 20 destinations


第19名:厄瓜多的加拉巴哥群岛 (Galapagos Islands) 是位于太平洋的火山群岛,距离厄瓜多本土有 1100 公里远。被认为是世界上最棒的野生动物观赏地之一。

The Galapagos Islands are a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean lying about 1,000km off the coast of Ecuador, and are considered one of the world's leading destinations for wildlife-viewing


第20名:澳洲的私人博物馆「新旧艺术博物馆」(Museum of Old and New Art) 位在穆里拉酒庄和葡萄园 (Moorilla Winery and Vineyard) 内,被风景秀丽的湖泊包围。

The Museum of Old and New Art is a privately-funded art museum located within the Moorilla winery on the Berriedale peninsula on Tasmania, Australia, and is surrounded by a scenic lake



The Rock of Cashel (pictured) is one of six destinations on the island of Ireland named on a global must-see list for tourists


北爱尔兰的巨人堤道,由约为 4 万根柱状玄武岩组成。

The Giant's Causeway in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns



Bru na Boinne, the prehistoric monument and passage tombs at Knowth, Newgrange and Dowth, Co Meath, Ireland


爱尔兰莫赫悬崖也列在全球必访名单之中,最高的悬崖高出海平面 214 公尺,这里也是当地重要的海鸟栖息地。

The Cliffs of Moher, which are one of six destinations in Ireland named on a global must-see list for tourists



The vast library at Trinity College in Dublin also makes Lonely Planet's list of must-sees



Tourists visit Bru na Boinne, the prehistoric monument and passage tombs at Knowth, Newgrange and Dowth, Co Meath, Ireland

来源:Daily Mail

每一个都好想去喔!可是看一眼户头数字…还是认真挑出自己心中的前 3 名再冲一发吧~对了、对了!为了庆祝《孤独星球》终极旅游名单的发布,世界上最厉害的 3 位沙雕艺术师将会在这礼拜于伦敦市中心 Peter’s Hill,重新雕塑出全世界的 5 个景点喔~

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