
美国田纳西州有一位名叫Sapphyre Johnson的小女孩,天生就缺少了两个脚掌和几只手指头,而她在日前得到了一只”跟她一样”的玩伴…一只天生失去脚掌的德国牧羊犬!   这只9周大的德国牧羊犬名叫Lt.Dan,名字的是以电影《阿甘正传》中失去双腿的丹泰勒中

April 23, 2015

美国田纳西州有一位名叫Sapphyre Johnson的小女孩,天生就缺少了两个脚掌和几只手指头,而她在日前得到了一只”跟她一样”的玩伴…一只天生失去脚掌的德国牧羊犬!

Missing their feet: Of the nine pups in the litter, Lt. Dan, named for the character in Forest Gump who lost his legs, was the only one missing a paw and Sapphyre Johnson had to have her feet amputated 



Different: Lt.Dan was the only one out of nine puppies who was born without a paw and fellow breeders suggested to his original owner that he be put down


Lt.Dan和其他8只兄弟姊妹一起出生时、他就被发现一只脚的脚掌有缺陷,本来被觉得应该要安乐死、因为这样的缺陷会使他比较脆弱,但前主人Karen Riddle却没这么做,并且在之后打算让Lt.Dan陪伴特别的孩子长大。

Brilliant Idea: Rather than kill Lt. Dan because he was different, his original owner Karen Riddle suggested that he be placed in a home with a wounded veteran or special needs child 



Playing and learning: 'In the future, I could see Sapphyre at her first show-and-tell in school and she could bring in her dog and explain about her dog and herself,' said an employee at Shriners Hospital 



Best friends: Sapphyre and Lt. Dan only just met but from the looks of it they are already best friends 



Right at home: The puppy felt so at home with his new owners that it fell asleep in the car as Sapphyre made her way home to Tennessee with her family.



Just like me!: Sapphyre and Lt. Dan made fast friends on Monday and the two will grow up together at Sapphyre's family's home in Tennesee


医院员工Elaine Hardin表示,这只特别的狗狗会陪伴特别的孩子长大,仿佛可以预见将来Sapphyre在学校第一次展示课上带着Lt.Dan并讲述着他们的故事,不论是Sapphyre还是Lt.Dan、彼此都会是对方最棒的好伙伴。

On Monday, the nine-week-old puppy Lt. Dan without a paw found a new home with Sapphyre Johnson, a toddler who lost both of her feet 

来源:Daily Mail


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加入粉絲團! 爸妈本来担心天生手脚有缺陷的女儿会自卑,直到这只跟她一样的小白狗出现在她的生命中。留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友