
 一隻10歲的秋田犬凱雅 (Kiaya) 因為青光眼而最終移除了她的雙眼,變成完全看不見的盲狗。然而,她卻能像隻看得見的狗狗一樣行動,因為她的兩位好朋友8歲的凱斯 (Cass) 和2歲的凱勒 (Keller) 都會在一旁細心照顧她,確保她不會碰撞受傷。   她的主人潔西卡 (Jessica Van

May 25, 2015

 一隻10歲的秋田犬凱雅 (Kiaya) 因為青光眼而最終移除了她的雙眼,變成完全看不見的盲狗。然而,她卻能像隻看得見的狗狗一樣行動,因為她的兩位好朋友8歲的凱斯 (Cass) 和2歲的凱勒 (Keller) 都會在一旁細心照顧她,確保她不會碰撞受傷。

The younger pet siblings of ten-year-old Akita, Kiaya, have stepped up acting as her seeing-eye dogs after she lost both eyes to glaucoma (above Kiaya with two-year-old Keller and eight-year-old Cass)


她的主人潔西卡 (Jessica VanHusen) 表示:「我覺得沒有他們,凱雅 (下圖) 就會迷路,她很依賴他們。當他們要從後院回到屋裡的時候,他們都會在她身旁磨蹭、引導她。」

Owner, Jessica VanHusen of Michigan, said Kiaya would be lost without Cass and Keller (above VanHusen with Kiaya)



After being diagnosed with glaucoma, Kiaya first had her left eye removed in July 2013 and her right eye removed in November 2014 (above Kiaya pictured center with her pet siblings Cass and Keller)



Veterinary ophthalmologist, Dr Gwen Sila, who operated on Kiaya's eyes said: 'It's clear the other dogs are trying to protect her. Their sense of loyalty is really remarkable' (above Kiaya, pictured left, after she had her left eye removed)



VanHusen (above with Kiaya) said she thinks Kiaya would be lost without Cass and Keller because the injured animal relies on them


The dogs' owner said she hopes that through their story, others will realize special needs pets deserve a chance



The three dogs' owner said Cass had become watchful of Kiaya after she lost her first eye in 2013 and stayed by her side. After she had her second eye remove, his protective behavior became even more noticeable


VanHusen said: 'She relies on them. When they are coming in from the back yard they rub up against her. They guide her'

來源:Daily Mail


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分類:世界, 動物
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